Vous allez recevoir un email à l'adresse indiquée lorsque vous aviez créé votre compte. Ascendas Reit is Singapore’s first and largest listed business space and industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) with a portfolio diversified across five major segments of the business space and industrial property market. This means that if an investor buys A-REIT units at the current price of SGD 3.01 (30th November 2020), he is likely to get a dividend return of 2.44%, assuming that AREIT does not change its dividend pay out for the coming year. L'endettement net constitue finalement le véritable endettement extérieur de l'entreprise. Towards the end of 2020, Ascendas REIT raised S$1.2 billion through a private placement and preferential offering. Record Date: 10 Feb 2021. (8) Selon la date de publication des résultats annuels de l'entreprise, les données communiquées peuvent être des données réalisées ou des estimations. The management has also proposed 4 more acquisitions in Australia with 1 completing in Jan 2021, 2 completing in 2H 2021 and 1 completing in Mid 2022. Ascendas REIT Analysis @ 10 August 2020 Vince Monday, August 10, 2020 AREIT , Ascendas REIT 0 Comments Basic Profile & Key Statistics Ascendas REIT (AREIT) invests in Office, Industrial and Logistics sectors properties. The top dividend contribution for the last 12 months is now helmed by Sheng Siong after dethroning Mapletree Commercial Trust. Ascendas REIT’s growth has just begun. UOB Share Price, It has very small income support at 1.8% of distribution. The lower DPU, despite an increase in distributable income, was due to a larger base of units for the REIT. 2) Lower than the Preferential Offering (PO) price of $2.96 in Nov 2020. As of 31 December 2020, Ascendas REITs gearing ratio is at 32.8%, well below the regulatory limit of 50%. DIVIDEND : SGD 0.00051. Il mesure le nombre de fois où le BPA est contenu dans le cours de Bourse et servira d'instrument de comparaison entre les différentes actions, les secteurs économiques ou encore les marchés financiers. Sur quel site souhaitez-vous vous connecter ? 2021-05-04 . Reason for buying: 1) 5% dividend yield. The completed asset will have a net lettable area of 19,384 sqm, comprising 17,753 sqm of office space and 1,631 sqm of retail space. Ascendas REIT - DBS Research 2020-07-24: Fuel Cells Of The New Economy. 2020: Best Singapore Bond (Ascendas REIT’s S$300m 3% green perpetual bond) IR Magazine Awards (South East Asia) 2014: Certificate of Excellence in Investor Relations contactez-nous. Copyright © 2021 FactSet Research Systems Inc. All rights reserved. EUR, Recommandations des analystes professionnels, Accueil Introductions/Privatisations (IPO). Cash of $290mn and committed facilities of $200mn to meet operating cost and distributions. Advanced Distribution of 5.74 cents per unit in Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust ("Unit") for the period from 1 July 2020 to 18 November 2020 (comprising of taxable income component of 4.64 cents, a tax-exempt component of 0.07 cents and … (4) EBIT : Il s'agit du résultat d'exploitation, c'est à dire du résultat avant prise en compte des éléments exceptionnels et financiers. ASCENDAS HOSPITALITY TRUST (Q1P.SI) has been delisted with effect from 2020-01-03. 02 Feb 2021. In its latest financial year 2020, Ascendas REIT’s gross revenues grew a solid 13.6% to S$1 billion, as compared to $924 million last year. Dividend yield. (5) Dette Nette Financière : dette à moyen et long terme impliquant des frais financiers structurels et des remboursements périodiques. Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust - Units (A17U) latest dividend summary: 2021 - SGD 0.01678 (0.54%) All these growth were due … L'endettement net fera le solde net entre l'endettement financier et la trésorerie (banque et valeurs mobilières de placement). 2021-05-04. Interprétation : La Dette nette reflète la structure financière d'une entreprise. Dividend Yield(TTM) = 4.82% If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me. Action Type Ex Date Record Date Details; DIVIDEND: 2021-02-16: 2021-02-17: SGD 0.0419 : DIVIDEND: 2020-08-17: 2020-08-18: SGD 0.0464 : DIVIDEND: 2020-02-18: 2020-02-19 Full Year Results. A-REIT’s Dividend yield comes up to around 2.44%. RIGHTS. Il équivaut au bénéfice net après impôt et avant éléments exceptionnels, augmenté de la dotation aux amortissements et de la dotation aux provisions. 2020-02-07. Devenez membre, Nouveau sur Boursorama ? Despite its giant size, management fee is quite competitive, where unitholders received $8.70 dividend for every dollar paid, which is the best among SREITs with market cap $5 billions and above. 19 Nov 2020. The stock market crashed this week on further news of the spread of the COVID-19 virus and also the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. It also involves in the development, ownership, and management of information technology parks in Hyderabad, Bangalore, and Chennai. While its net property income increased by 9.4% to S$776 million. Distribution margin at 53.2% slightly higher than SREITs median. Ascendas REIT (SGX: A17U) has recently announced its first half 2020 financial results. Ascendas REIT's 1H20 operating and financial metrics remain resilient Brighter reversionary prospects a bright spot; organic growth outlook stable. Based on a 50% aggregate leverage assumption, Ascendas REIT has potential debt headroom of c.S$4.2bn, to fund any acquisitions. Ramenée à l'Actif net ou à la Capitalisation boursière, elle est une mesure de la solvabilité et de la solidité financière de l'entreprise. AREIT currently owns 198 properties across Singapore, U.S., Australia and England. Apart from that, they have a healthy interest coverage ratio of 4.3x which provides the REIT some headroom if required. de votre enregistrement pour recevoir votre identifiant et/ou ré-initialiser votre mot de passe : Connectez-vous pour ajouter ASCENDAS REIT à Riding on multiple tailwinds; BUY, lift Target Price to S$4.00. Source of the report is credited at the end of article whenever reference is made. 27 August 2020 11 December 2020 9 March 2021: FY2019^ 4.005: 3.978: 3.507: N.A. Par ailleurs, une Dette nette négative signifie que la trésorerie de l'entreprise considérée est supérieure à sa Dette Nette financière. 2021-05-04. L'Ebitda est souvent présenté comme le meilleur indicateur de profitabilité économique. … 2020-02-10. Une erreur est survenue pendant le chargement de la liste, * sociétés parmi les plus recherchées sur Google. Top Dividend Contribution (Last 12 Months) Dividend collected for the month of August 2020: $2.95K. SingTel Share Price, For the second half of 2020, Ascendas REIT will be paying unitholders a DPU of S$0.07418, a slight year on year decrease of 0.9%. Due to the continued bad news, the Straits Times Index (STI) fell as much as 6.03% on Monday, 9th March 2020. (2) Rendement : Rapport entre le dividende par action et le cours de bourse. It is currently trading at 4.2% yield based on the last traded share price on 24 July. Capital Distribution::Mandatory. 2019-11-11. Retrouvez le dividende de l'action ASCENDAS REIT ACDSF, les dernières recommandations des analystes financiers, leurs objectifs de cours et les prévisions de CA, PER, BNA... sur Boursorama By far, in my opinion, this is the third best performing Singapore REIT. Cash Dividend/ Distribution::Mandatory. Obtenu par le rapport entre le cours de Bourse d'une action et le bénéfice net par action (BPA) ou par le rapport entre la capitalisation et le résultat net. 15% of Ascendas REIT (SGX:A17U)'s tenants are SME or in trade sectors that are likely to be impacted (aviation, F&B, retail, Oil & Gas hospitality/leisure). (7) Cash Flow par Action : Appelé également Marge brute d'autofinancement, le Cash flow représente les ressources d'une entreprise disponibles pour l'investissement ou le remboursement de ses dettes. Pour des raisons de sécurité et pour continuer à accéder à votre espace membre, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir valider votre compte membre en cliquant sur le lien suivant : Un email de confirmation vient de vous être adressé. Ascendas REIT issued S$300m of perpetual securities in Sep 2020 at a coupon of 3% and this is likely to result in interest cost savings for the REIT. 04 May 21 Notice Of Advanced Distribution Record Date And Distribution Payment Date - Capital Distribution Component. You will need to make your own independent judgment regarding the analysis. Ascendas Reit will hold a results briefing for analysts and media at 5:45 pm on the same day. Vous êtes authentifié. Vous pourrez alors de nouveau accéder à votre compte membre. The dividend yield is Reasonable.Given that the exposure of this REIT is to business space and industrial properties, these industries tend to be more resilient to Covid-19 and thus more stable. A LIVE webcast will be available for viewing at https://webcast.openbriefing.com/AREIT_FY2020/. Ascendas REIT has also completed 4 acquisitions in FY2020 worth a total of S$973.2m. Nous chargeons votre espace membre. Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust (A17U) latest dividend: ExDate = 9 Feb 2021 - 0.01209 Bénéficiez gratuitement de fonctionnalités et de services additionnels. Interested Person Transaction::Proposed Acquisition of … Acquisitions is a catalyst to reaccelerate growth momentum. Is Ascendas REIT… A short post to record the Top 10 holdings and dividend contributors (declared or went ex-div) as at end Jan 2021: Below is the table of Top-10 holding 1Suntec Reit 2OCBC3OUE Commercial Reit 4Ascendas Reit5UOB6Singtel 7IREIT8Netlink Trust 9Manulife Reit 10Hong Kong Land Key highlights (compared to end Dec 2020): DBS is out of Top10 holding… Rental reversion was -2.3% in 3Q 2020, but +4.2% for this year. 05 May 21 Close Of Private Placement Of 142,664,000 New Units ("New Units") In Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust ("Ascendas REIT") At An Issue Price Of S$2.944 Per New Unit. Si le solde est négatif (trésorerie supérieure à l'endettement financier), on parlera de trésorerie nette positive; s'il est positif d'endettement net. Je valide mon compte membre This is a suburban office under development in Macquarie Park, Sydney, bought at a "as if completed" market valuation of S$161mn. (6) Actif Net par Action : Appelé également « Fonds propres » ou « Situation nette », l'Actif net désigne l'ensemble composé du capital et des réserves (formées par l'accumulation de bénéfices non distribués). Ascendas REIT (AREIT) is a diversified REIT that invests in Business Park, Industrial, Logistics and Integrated Development Amenities and Retail (IDAR) properties. March 14, 2020 April 29, 2020 My Sweet Retirement Leave a comment. Ascendas Reit continues to grow its Australian logistics portfolio with S$69.1 million acquisition 2020-12-23 17:43:00 Asset Acquisitions and Disposals Change in interest in units in Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust held by AFM Stock analysis research and articles on this site are for the purpose of information sharing and do not serve as recommendation of any transactions. Price Targets with Substantial Upside / Downside Potential, Average Target Price & Fair Value Recommendations, STI Constituents Price Targets & Stock Ratings, ASCENDAS REAL ESTATE INV TRUST (SGX:A17U), Price Target with Substantial Upside/Downside Potential, Latest Share BuyBack On Market Transactions, Upcoming Dividends / Rights / Share Entitlements, PREF OFFERING OFFER OF 1 FOR 15 @ SGD 1.16, NONRENOUNCEABLE OFFER OF 1 FOR 20 @ SGD 2.13, NONRENOUNCEABLE OFFER OF 1 FOR 10 @ SGD 1.55, NONRENOUNCEABLE OFFER OF 3 FOR 20 @ SGD 1.16. If you’d held onto Ascendas since its IPO in 2002, you’d make around 500% (as at Dec 2020) returns on your capital. And that includes all the dividends you’d collected from the start. For FY2020, Ascendas REIT has completed 7 AEIs as well as 3 divestments. Bought 3100 shares of Ascendas REIT at $2.91 on 8 Mar. REPL::Placements::Close of Private Placement of 142,664,000 New Units in Ascendas Reit at S$2.944 per New Unit. Connectez-vous pour ajouter ASCENDAS REIT à Ascendas India Trust engages in the ownership of real estate properties primarily used as business space and real estate related assets in India. Cliquez ensuite sur le lien présent dans le mail. Most of you might not be very familiar with Micro-Mechanics, which is considered … 11.490: … Tenants asking for rental relief/deferments account for < 1% of revenue. Contrairement à l'Ebit, l'Ebitda n'intègre pas les dotations aux amortissements et aux provisions pour dépréciation d'actif. FTSE ST Indices & STI Constituents Share Price, DBS Share Price , Screening For Dividend Stocks In March 2020. Ascendas REIT (SGX:A17U) announced its acquisition of MQX4 on 18 September 2020. Il est exprimé par action. Il permet de mesurer le cash utilisé ou procuré par les activités régulières d'une société. Les affres de la nature humaine ou comment essayer de plomber le moral ... NOVACYT - News from the USA! 2019-11-08. Ascendas REIT Completes The Acquisition Of A Portfolio Of 11 Data Centres In Europe: Mar 17, 2021 Request For Lifting Of Trading Halt: Mar 17, 2021 Proposed Acquisition Of A Portfolio Of 11 Data Centres In Europe: Mar 17, 2021 Request For Trading Halt: Mar 16, 2021 The FDA updated Primer, Politique de protection des données membres, Politique de protection des données prospects. As one of Singapore’s REIT pioneers, Ascendas Reit has played a crucial role in the development of the Singapore REIT sector, providing an attractive platform for investment in business … Payable Date: 09 Mar 2021. 2021-05-04. REITs with a strong balance sheet are the ones that can do well even during bad times. Il mesure ainsi sa capacité à générer des flux de bénéfices hors activités exceptionnelles et non récurrentes. We have revised our estimates down by 7% in … 3) Dropped 21% from 52w high $3.65. (1) PER : Price Earning Ratio : Indicateur de référence de la valeur d'une entreprise. Placements::Launch of Private Placement to Raise Gross Proceeds of Approximately S$420.0 Million. It is currently trading at 4.2% yield based on the last traded share price on 24 July. At 16 April 2021, with a closing share price of SGD3.11 and dividend payout of SGD0.165 for the full calendar year 2020, this translates to a dividend yield of 5.31%.. (3) EBITDA : Il s'agit de l'EBE (Excédent Brut d'Exploitation). Ascendas REIT - Phillip Securities 2020-05-04: Built To Last. Si vous n'avez pas reçu cet email, OCBC Share Price, Ascendas REIT Corporate Action - Dividends / Rights / Splits, ASCENDAS REAL ESTATE INV TRUST Corporate Action - Dividends / Rights / Splits, A17U.SI Corporate Action - Dividends / Rights / Splits. SGD 0.00421. Micro-Mechanics. Ascendas REIT: 3,100: Bought 3,100 shares of Ascendas REIT on 8 Mar at $2.91 ; USD3392 of HongKongLand dividend declared on 11 Mar, payout on 12 May; HKD 4,175.20 of Fortune REIT dividend payout on 18 Mar (HKD24.56cents/share) $184.50 of AIMS APAC REIT dividend payout on 19 Mar (2.05 cents /share) Bought 178 shares of NikkoAM-StraitsTrading Asia Ex Japan Reit via POSB … Si vous êtes Membre de la Communauté Boursorama, veuillez indiquer l'adresse email que vous avez fournie lors Devenez membre. 1.8163 vos listes. vos portefeuilles virtuels. 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