Made it very easy to get the achievement for completing it in under 3 minutes. Get 6 hours worth of offline production. It's fairly conservative w/ r/t the possible optimizations, but still works in a reasonable amount of time so long as you've got the 2x galaxy power upgrade. Not only is there duplicate matter made of antimatter in the 5th dimension, there is a very large amount of matter in the 5 th dimension compared to the matter we observe in our 4 dimensions. You need to get Automated Big Crunch interval to 0.1 to be able to break infinity. Reward: Infinity Dimension multiplier based on time shards, Current: 0x. Learn more. You failed the challenge, you will now exit it. I used it with the dimension boost & galaxy shift autobuyers on, and it buys everything except tick upgrades, which you can just buy max occasionally. Reward: All normal dimension multipliers become multiplier^1.05. (x^1). translated to 0x multiplier on all dimensions, You have 0 time shards. Reset the game for a new Dimension: Antimatter Galaxies: requires 80 Eight Dimension Lose all your previous progress, but get a tickspeed boost: Lose a reset, returning to the start of the reset. This modification adds NG+3, logarithmica_numerus.js support, and a lot of other mods. Antimatter Dimensions Notations. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter. You can't gain galaxies normally, but the cost of upgrading your max replicanti galaxies is massively reduced. All infinitied stat multipliers and generators are disabled. The meta-antimatter effect on dimension boosts is stronger. Never . You signed in with another tab or window. JavaScript 9.19 KB . If it exceeds your antimatter, it will dimension boost without giving the bonus. raw download clone embed print report. Please remember that jsDelivr updates are not up to me so the latest available on jsDelivr may not correspond to the latest version on GitHub. You have 0 infinity power. First Time Dimension produces Eighth Infinity Dimension, and First Infinity Dimension produces Seventh Dimensions. You have 0 replicanti. -- Mostly try to get to the next dimension, but 1st dimensions produce the antimatter, so be sure to upgrade them. Archived. It's been awhile, so her's an extra-large helping of Antimatter Dimensions. Close. Dimensions 5-8 don't produce anything. a guest . Double your EP gain from all sources. I'm too lazy to click on buttons, so I wrote a script that: does a dimension boost if available. Reward: Static multiplier on each tickspeed purchase. Reward: Galaxies are 10% more powerful and reduce the requirements for them and dimensional boosts by 1. Nyan Cat - Author of many performance improvements that help the game run faster than 2 FPS. There is two way to use the script. The first one is to copy the code contained in the script in this repository then paste it in the console of the webrowser. Work fast with our official CLI. There's an exponentially rising matter that divides the multiplier on all of your dimensions. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Each dimension produces the dimension 2 below it; first dimensions produce reduced antimatter. Forever. Tickspeed interval decrease is always at 0%, but every tickspeed purchase you get a static multiplier on all dimensions (increases with galaxies). When buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. Reward: 1.3x on all Infinity Dimensions for each Infinity Challenge completed. Buying anything halts your production, gradually coming back over 3 minutes. You can choose whether or … Alternate tick speed autobuyer script I didn't have much luck with the other scripts I found, so I thought I'd share my attempt. Thanks for watching! Complete Eternity Challenges again for a bigger reward, maximum of 5 times. Next free galaxy at 1000 dilated time, gained total of 0, You have 0 infinity power. if i have 10 D2 then i would be producing 1 D1/sec, but with 1 tickspeed upgrade, that rate is 1 D1/.89sec. omni-dimensions scale now, similar to normal dimensions. Antimatter Dimensions Bot. Contribute to technodestructo/AMBot development by creating an account on GitHub. Enabled? Reward: Xx on all Time Dimensions (based on time spent this Eternity). (8x -> 9x) Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter. (1+log(1+log(x))) Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. Created by Aarex Tiaokhiao Play here! You are a god. Reward: Infinity Dimension multiplier from unspent IP. All the notations that are included in the current version of Antimatter Dimensions, and the upcoming Reality Update. This allows you to judge overall growth. Type a number in this box to see what it looks like in all sorts of different notations. First dimension is heavily weakened but gets an exponentially increasing bonus that resets on reset. Settings.isInfinite - function that determines if a … The second one is to use the following function to load it from here (GitHub) through jsDelivr then load the latest version of my script.js. AntiQuark AntiQuark is small userscript for automating aspects of Antimatter Dimensions. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio. Double all your dimension multipliers (dimensions 1-8). The premise of Antimatter Dimensions is that 1st Dimensions produce antimatter (the currency you use to buy things), 2nd Dimensions produce 1st Dimensions, 3rd Dimensions produce 2nd Dimensions and so on. Contribute to IvarK/ development by creating an account on GitHub. You can only upgrade Infinity Dimensions 50 times, and Replicanti upgrades 40 times. Owned? An Autobuyer, obtained by completing a Challenge or getting Eternity Milestones, is a mechanic in the game that allows automatically buying or activating other mechanics. All of the above will happen ~1.124x (1/ (1-0.11)) … Welcome back to another Antimatter Dimensions NG+++ video! There are only 6 dimensions, with dimension boost and antimatter galaxy costs modified. I've been having some uploading issues, so sorry for the delayed uploads. Patashu - Creator of break_eternity.js, the number library that the game runs on. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Double ALL the dimension multipliers (Normal, Infinity and Time). Antimatter Dimensions. AutoHotkey is a popular tool, that can be used for Antimatter Dimensions. Cost & until 10: You can buy a single quantity of each dimension with antimatter when the cost button is highlighted. No description, website, or topics provided. EP!! Antimatter Dimensions Dilmod An alternate mod of AD -1 made by Despacit, except this one actually works and has slightly different mechanics. All the notations are included inside ADNotationsobject: The main method that notations provide is format(value, places, placesUnder1000) 1. value can be Decimal, number or stringwhich you want to format 2. placesis used to format mantissa when number is greater than 1000 3. placesUnder1000is used to format the number when it is lesser than 1000 You can configure some formatting aspects via ADNotations.Settingsobject: Configuration settings: 1. When buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases. The first one is to copy the code contained in the script in this repository then paste it in the console of the webrowser. (Doesn't work for autobuyers), You gain x1 more infinitied stat (based on dimension boosts), 1e616x multiplier on all normal dimensions, 1e11x multiplier on all Infinity Dimensions, Requirement: 1,300 Time upgrades gained from time dimensions, You can get beyond 1.8e308 replicantis, but the interval is increased the more you have, Requirement: Use only the Normal Dimension path, Requirement: Use only the Infinity Dimension path, Requirement: 5 Eternity Challenge 11 and 12 completions. Ask a question or add answers, watch video tutorials & submit own opinion about this game/app. Dimensional sacrifice is disabled. 1 comment. Forever. Gain a multiplier to meta-dimensions based on tickspeed. Setup CDN. Hevipelle - Creator of the legendary original game, Antimatter Dimensions. Avoid Antimatter Dimensions hack cheats for your own safety, choose our tips and advices confirmed by pro players, testers and users like you. I made a script to play Antimatter Dimensions for me. It can automate both timed and trigger-based mouse clicks as well as keyboard presses through scripts. Each dimension costs the dimension 2 before it, with modified prices, Multiplier per 10 dimensions is random from 0.30 and 10, Dimension Boost and galaxies are useless, sacrifice resets everything but is immensely more powerful. (e.g. Here, I progress from 1K EP to e?? Whenever you buy 10 of a dimension or tickspeed, everything else of equal cost will increase to its next cost step. Cost Interval Priority Progress Bulk ... Replicanti Unlocked? I made a script to play Antimatter Dimensions for me. Posted by 6 months ago. There is two way to use the script. Antimatter Dimension Redux A mod of AD -1 made by Despacit, but is abandoned and buggy to the point of unplayability. Dimension Growth Percent: This number represents the amount of growth that dimensions experiences per second. See them in action here. Antimatter Dimensions controls Zeynel Abidin Öztürk - 8 months ago - Shortcuts. Translated to 0x multiplier on all infinity dimensions. M key or R key). If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. For example: You can allow a key to be pressed for a certain amount of time by using a script. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Time and Meta Dimensions gain a exponent boost based on your best meta-antimatter. Galaxy cost increase scaling starts instantly (Normally at 100 galaxies). +100% means the dimension is doubling each second. This repository contains the scripts I use to automate some of the actions in the game Antimatter Dimensions. translated to 0 x multiplier on all dimensions. All of the above will happen ~1.124x (1/ (1-0.11)) … Reward: Galaxy cost scaling starts 10 galaxies later. Reward: Sacrifice autobuyer and more powerful sacrifice. Time Dimensions and Infinity Dimensions are disabled, You gain an immense boost from infinitied stat to normal dimensions, All dimension multipliers are disabled except for the multipliers from Infinity power and dimension boosts (to normal dimensions), Reward: Infinity Dimension cost multipliers are reduced. Buy max galaxies every X seconds (0 to always buy): Dimension Shift: requires 20 Fourth Dimension, Antimatter Galaxies: requires 80 Eight Dimension. All previous challenges (except tickspeed challenge and automatic big crunch challenge) at once. Buying a dimension automatically erases all lower tier dimensions, like a sacrifice without the boost. Link Wiki: Antimatter Dimensions Challenging / … Reward: Further reduction dimension cost multiplier increase, Current: 3x. var loopIntervalId; var keyPressInterval = 50; var loopUpdateRate = 1 . 15. 108 . There's normal matter which rises. Nov 8th, 2019. Hotkeys: 1-8 for buy 10 dimension, shift+1-8 for buy 1 dimension, T to buy max tickspeed, shift+T to buy one tickspeed, M for max allS for sacrifice, D for dimension boost, G for galaxy, C for crunch, A for toggle autobuyers, R for replicanti galaxies, E for eternity.You can hold shift while buying time studies to buy all up until that point, see each study's number, and save study trees.Hotkeys do not work while holding control. Purchased Studies: EC times completed: Reward: Tickspeed affects Infinity Dimensions with reduced effect, You can't get antimatter Galaxies, but dimensional boost multiplier 2.5x -> 10x, Reward: Dimensional boost multiplier 2.5x -> 4x. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! You can explore how jsDelivr works to select the version of the file which interests you. (^8 -> ^9) Reduce the Meta-Dimension Boost scaling by 1 per level. antimatter dimension autoplay script. Next tickspeed upgrade at 0. You are getting 0 antimatter per second. Tickspeed affects all dimensions normally. Requirement for "Dilation was a bad idea" increased (1e10 TP > 1e15 TP) Achievement rewards work now. Antimatter Dimensions tricks hints guides reviews promo codes easter eggs and more for android application. (This took me way too long to fix) Other updates: You can actually get to this changelog by clicking the Changelog button. Gain a multiplier to meta-dimensions based on tickspeed (1 + log(1 + log(x))). The basic Goal is to reach infinity and receive an infinity point, which can be spent on various skills to increase your overall production. Forever. Dimension boost costs scaling is massively increased. NG+3 Created by Aarex Tiaokhiao NG+3 is a modification of Antimatter Dimensions which adds a lot of end-game content. Antimatter Dimensions games screenshots and mod features: Antimatter Dimensions MOD Description: Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements.The basic goal is to reach Infinity and receive an Infinity point, which can be spent on various upgrades to increase your overall production. Meta-antimatter effect on dimension boosts is stronger (x^8 to x^9). Meta-dimension shifts, boosts, and per-ten upgrades are boosted by dilated time. When you Big Crunch for the 1st time, you will automatically obtain the First Dimension Autobuyer. Hopefully this fixes the true Infinity issue. You have made x dimensional boosts/shifts. When buying tickspeed, everything with the same cost increases. Double your IP gain from all sources. You can't buy tickspeed upgrades. Project link - requires TamperMonkey for Chrome. If every antimatter were a planck volume, you would have enough to, Current achievement multiplier on each Dimension: 1x. Hope you enjoyed!Show some love and subscribe!Leave a comment! Antimatter-Dimensions This repository contains the scripts I use to automate some of the actions in the game Antimatter Dimensions. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter (log(x)^0.5). This is the script I used, which automates more of the process. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. Infinity power instead multiplies time dimensions with greatly reduced effect. Download APK MOD. The simplest way to use this package is to include these scripts in your HTML page: Your production is at 100% after purchasing anything, after that it rapidly drops down. Only latest bought dimension production is normal, all other dimensions produce less. Forever. The premise of Antimatter Dimensions is that 1st Dimensions produce antimatter (the currency you use to buy things), 2nd Dimensions produce 1st Dimensions, 3rd Dimensions produce 2nd Dimensions, and so on. It has now grown to be able to complete all the challenges to unlock autobuyers. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Antimatter Dimensions Aarex's Modifications. Also, tickspeed is useful, as it helps generate the next dimension faster (i.e. Reward: You get a multiplier to dimensions 2-7 based on 1st and 8th dimension multipliers. does a dimensional sacrifice if the multiplier is over 2.00x. Thank you and everyone else who worked on the original AD. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Meta-antimatter effect on dimension boosts is stronger. Automatically sacrifice every 8 ticks once you have 8th Dimension. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. 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